Monday, January 25, 2010

New topics for this year

This year P&P will be intertwined with the Labcourse. The advantages are great: the labcourse provides a topic, we have 2 quarters instead of 1, and we can add more topics, usefull for every-day-life of a scientist.
Shortly I'll go to see some posters with a colleague and try to figure out why we like them or not. And then compare our findings with what the books say about it.
Later I will think about laboratory notebooks, and what changed in the world of ELN (electronic laboratory notebook).

Thursday, January 14, 2010

different definition of science?

Are we trying to cope differently with the world around us? With our questions and uncertainties?

If is true and we really are not trying to find out why something happens, but limit ourselves to some statistical relation between lots of data, analyzed by fast computers, then ofcourse there is no reason to read long texts any longer and to try to synthesize some meaning.

But asking "why" is -or was- the basic issue in Science, so: has the definition been changed?

thx to Siva Vaidhyanathan for posting his course materials.