Tuesday, April 21, 2009

final preparations

I think I prepared well!
Made new questions to start the process of thinking about what we are doing when we conduct science and scientific research.
Printed many things to hand out tomorrow. I hope not to forget this blog, and the potentials for feedback for the students, for me.
I would like to create a relaxed atmosphere tomorrow, an inspiring one.

For the courses I take myself I have to make a logbook about what is happening during classes.
This blog will do I hope.

My expectations for tomorrow are: meeting nice, enthousiast people, a little nervous about what's coming (because the course is known).
I hope to get them away from standardized thinking, doing research as a recipe.
Hope to make clear, that research/science (at least in my view....) is a matter of asking questions, deciding how to find an answer, learning from the results and reflecting on the process, and go through a similar cirkel again (and then.... the big issue: when to stop! and wrap up).

I hope that the room works as I expected when I agreed with the selection by the planning people. I still think (23.00 day before) that I make one big table, but then: have to think about how to make notes, public notes, of what people are saying. Thus things depend a little bit on sizes and length of cable and the like.

I reorganizes my questions along the line of coach Henk Procee: actor, process, product, in reverse order, however. So: what do YOU think is science/truth and similar things; next: how to do science well, and then the final one: which characteristics have scientists?

And maybe I give them a task for home: how do you like to learn?
Just in preparation for writing and presenting, to realize that the structures one uses usually are those that the author/presentor prefers for themselves.

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